Posted in Blissful Notes, Experience

A New Year Not in Yonder

I wake up with my hands between my thighs, and waiting for the morning sun to say a ‘hello’, realizing nothing much would happen other than just another day to pass-by, I feel I could do something better.

Waking up, I realize that something special is coming up fast. It would be a New Year soon. Strange enough, I was not my bubbly self.

I was chasing a bird in the past two days, from nesting on my air conditioning cabinet. Chasing a bird, becomes personal if the bird is adamant (bringing scores of laughter from my daughter). Although, I would be chastised for being a bird brain, but eventually, I gave up, as I felt it would have probably laid its eggs there. Also, I didn’t want to be indulged in a curse handed by the meek. What would God think, still chasing birds? What about the dream?

Last year, I was in solitude. While chasing big dreams, seems to be a common attitude for goal-setters, leading a life in solitude seeks asylum from that chaos. You become the seeker. Unattainable tasks, pipe dreams are a misnomer to the ambitious. In solitude, I could bypass them all with ease.

So, what is in for this New Year?

I haven’t asked this question to myself till now, probably, I wouldn’t dare, as I still vouch on the solitude, glorified by the ramifications of my own self-doubt.

I would eventually say, it wouldn’t be another year in yonder. So, I might be still there, somewhere next to the goal-line. I’am sort of, blessed with a hindsight of what is happening, and move forward towards what I plan, to write my long awaited second book.

Well, the birds are back. Probably, I’am annoyed, but, as they say – in the hindsight of vivid thoughtfulness, you learn the best; so, do I perceive that my goals are attainable? It is to be seen.  

And here comes the Sun, in its full glory – saying a Hello, and I wish all my readers, with dedicated gratitude:

‘A Happy New Year!’

Cheers and Ciao!

Posted in Experience, Poem

The Stair of Hope

In motion lies our lives, through happiness and sorrow,

We are, but, mere expressions traversing on an escalator,

That leads us up to what is called, a destination.

On the top lies a stair of bright glow, reminding hope;

Amidst the other stairs of darkness and strife,

This stair on which the sun ray illuminates, is it really the hope?

We surge on upwards towards that destination.

We might fall back, pass by that hope and forget it,

Maybe once or twice or even more,

And like the life which moves in circles, so does this escalator,

Which takes us up to that stair of hope, no matter how,

Ah! The glowing stair,

Its very presence amongst the darker stairs,

That alone gives us the courage, to move on to that guiding light,

Life moves on like this escalator, in circles,

But, we reach our destination.

Posted in Blissful Notes, Experience

I Have Been Here Before

It is a funny feeling when you are encountered with the same situation more than once. You think (or shout out) aloud saying – I have been here before. The situation could be anything, whether you are visiting the same place twice or maybe even experiencing a Déjà vu.

But in a deeper conversation, I want to talk about the same situation in ‘hysteria’. We all have been in such situations before, where our mind gets control of us, isn’t it? It is not irrational, but, real hysterical scenarios (good or bad) that needn’t be intimidating.

So, why do we think our mind is controlling us?

Our mind is an ever-thinking, logical or emotional machine; probably deciding to rest only when we are asleep or maybe when we are in the toilet, fiddling with our mobile phone (doesn’t matter if it was an iPhone, unless we drop it on the Bidet).

In its vastness and depth, the mind is a limitless powerhouse. With the millions of instructions being programmed on a frequent basis, bringing it to the present moment is like controlling a wild horse. The thing could go berserk anytime, and that leaves us in the situation which I mentioned earlier – Hysterical.

The moment we listen to the over said statement – the thing goes out of control, we give up on it. I believe it is just a FALSE statement. The mind NEVER goes out of control, and even if it does, the mind does possess a magic trick to push you back to ground zero or your base, from where you can start all over.

Even at the worst possible situation called ‘stress’, which we have faced many times, we might be pulled to the extreme bottom of our consciousness, as if we and stress were ‘like poles’ attracting each other.

At that moment of palpable hysteria, we also experience the pleasing secondary thought – look, I have been here before.

Why do I call it a pleasing secondary thought? and what does that mean to you? Well, it is the moment when our mind comes to work.

Instead of giving up or ending up in hospital or even worse, taking drugs; the mind finds an alternative way to overcome the situation. It is at this depth of stressful instances that it generates a possible solution, assessing the situation in its innermost layers of consciousness. And most of the time, we observe that the solution does work.

It is what you say, the best part of the human mind concept, which protects us from all harm and that is what we know the mind is programmed as – a mechanism to defend ourselves from harm.

The mind brings us back to the present moment. As Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar ji of the Art of Living Foundation says, we are all, always in the present moment, but, we often go astray in the past and the future, which is quite human in nature. The trick is in bringing that back to the self or to the present moment.

Our mind is just programmed to do that. We need to understand it and have faith in it that the magic works.

So, the next time you are in hysteria, just know that you will be on familiar grounds and then, there will be a solution.