Posted in Experience

Cough Out Your New Year’s Resolution Ghost

The New Year’s day of January 1, is welcome for many reasons. At least for me, it is special. When you are in the New Year, you don’t look back. It’s as if the previous year never existed.

I say this because I had a wish towards the end of the year that extended up to New Years’ eve. I fancy saying that its my best wish as I expect a new beginning, by letting go of what I would have otherwise achieved in the previous year.

It baffles me how much easier it is to let go on a New Year’s eve and I am sure, many would agree to this.

So, let me start yet again. A New Year is welcome for many reasons. We pick our resolutions. Some of the resolutions last, some don’t. But, the spirit of the New Year is such that we aim for the maximum. The attitude is positive and it promises a better tomorrow. The feeling is similar to joining a new Toastmasters club. We carefully plan a new path perhaps expecting a few thorns, but, we are ready to surge ahead. ‘Going for Glory’ is the word.

But have we thought about why people give up their resolutions midway? Dropping arms in front of their worst enemy, that is, an unwillingness to continue as if their resolution no longer attract them unless it was crystal meth; and their self-doubts on whether the success is guaranteed despite planning, hamper the progress.

You see, the real problem lies in one’s mind. We target our resolutions so much that we start counting days. Oh! It’s one day gone… one month gone… and now three months down the lane we are back at square one. Well, the real cause is that we haven’t aligned our minds with our plans.

There could be several earthly reasons. A sudden whoosh of a rogue thought can drag our attention away from our goals. And then, a new habit becomes a trend, and the new trend leads to further misery that we are stuck in a dilemma of whether to continue with the resolution.

To overcome this, we need real grit and determination. The journey is long. With our constantly flickering minds, it is difficult to hold on to a resolution for that long. So, we need to serenade our minds. And, how do we do that?

Well, as a writer and an author, I had tried this on myself and it did actually work. I was able to cough up my resolution ghost and then, publish a book. That too, in the pandemic days. I believe it works in all forms of life. Just take a look!

  • Remember to view that sticky note – The big idea is to remind you daily, about your primary goal. If you want to become a DTM, then, note down those five important points that would motivate you each day and stick them on the wall or on your desk. You will tend to have a look when you sit at your desk. This habit of checking your sticky note is enough to send those motivational signals to your brain that it puts you into action immediately.
  • Manage and measure your Goals – Dividing a huge task into manageable pieces is a tried and effective method, and it works. If you keep a certain target, say, in three months I would complete at least one speech of my Pathway and attempt it, it goes a long way. It would chase your demon of procrastination to its deepest chasms. You beat procrastination and your mind is trained to quench that thirst for success.
  • Go Meditate – This works 100%. The power of meditation is immense. I made a habit to meditate for a few minutes before I start my work. Meditation relaxes and rejuvenates us, and importantly, increases our cognitive and imaginative power. It is known to develop hidden skills. So, why don’t you try this? There is no harm in trying a new habit, isn’t it?
  • Speak to your kith and kin – Many a time you are left in limbo. Not knowing where to go creates a negative imbalance in your lifestyle. Instead of being a recluse and trying to find a resolution, this is the right time, when you speak to your near and dear ones for that extra motivation. Your kith and kin are all ears, and speaking to them will open you up and their suggestions will come in handy. People are ready to help and you just need to break that mindset to ask for it. Go ahead and don’t feel shy to discuss your plans.
  • Smile and make your day – Of all the points given above, this is what I like the most. Smile! It is harmless. Also, it is contagious. It keeps your mind healthy and goes on well with your system. Smile often in your speeches and see the positive impact affecting your audience. Smile, as if you have just listened to Wonderwall by Oasis. The innate nature of ours is to be happy, and that shakes away all icicles of negative emotions in your life. That instant boost is enough to remind you of all the positive things that you have planned and penned for the current year, and you just drift with your plans.

So, the next time when you let go of your previous year, know that you have a resolution for a reason. Remember, you have not taken a resolution to repeat it each year. Just cough out your New Year’s resolution ghost and you will see wonderful things happening with you.